You know that empty feeling sometimes when you wake up stiff, sluggish, and just not ready to do what you’ve got to do? You’re not alone. Even the brightest sunrise feels such a battle of wills when we are not at our strongest in the mornings. But here’s the good news: just a few minutes of Morning Stretches can help your body and mind out a lot.
It doesn’t stop at athletes and yoga enthusiasts. It’s a great, simple, effective way to get your energy levels up, increase flexibility and shake that sleepiness. To help you feel fresh, energized, and ready to tackle the day, in this blog we’ll show you a series of 8 simple morning stretches.
1. Spinal Warm Up (Cat Cow Stretch)
If you need to wake up your spine gently, this is a Cat Cow stretch.
How to Do It:
- Get onto your hands and knees. Your wrists should be under your shoulders and your knees under hips.
- Arch your back and inhale, dropping your belly towards the floor, while you do so (Cow Pose).
- In Cat Pose (Cat Pose) round your back, tucking in your chin to your chest, and exhale.
- Repeat, for 5-10 breaths.
- Relieves back tension.
- Improves spinal mobility.
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2. Hamstring Stretch (Forward Fold)
This is the perfect stretch to work in your hamstrings and lower back.
How to Do It:
- Go with your feet at hip distance.
- Start with inhaling, then exhaling while you move forward from your hip hinge and fold forward.
- If you have to, let your head hang heavy and your knees bend slightly.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- It wakes you up by increasing blood flow to your head.
- It stretches the hamstrings and calves.
3. Restorative Stretch (Child’s Pose)
Child’s Pose stretches your hips and opens your lower back, making it a calming stretch.
How to Do It:
- Put yourself onto your hands and knees.
- Slowly sit back onto your heels and raise your arms forward.
- Put your forehead on the ground and breathe deeply for at least 30 seconds to 1 min.
- Reduces stress and tension.
- It stretches the hips, thighs, and lower back.
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4. Standing Side Stretch (Full-Body Wake Up)
The standing side stretch focuses on your sides, and is good for posture as well.
How to Do It:
- Stand tall feet together.
- Clasp your hands at the end of your arms and raise them overhead.
- Keep your torso straight and lean to one side.
- HOLD 15-20 seconds each side.
- It stretches the obliques and shoulders.
- It improves posture and flexibility.
5. Core and Back Stretch (Seated Spinal Twist)
For an atypical wake-up of your core and to release tension in your back, this classic twist is great.
How to Do It:
- Fold your legs and sit on the floor.
- Put a leg across the other with your foot flat on the ground.
- Turn gently towards your bent knee, so that you place your opposite elbow on the outside of your bent knee.
- Do that for 15-20 seconds on each side.
- It improves spinal flexibility.
- It stimulates digestion (that’s good for mornings).
6. Hip Opener (Butterfly Stretch)
A simple way to stretch the tightness of your hips is with the Butterfly stretch.
How to Do It:
- Sitting, bring the soles of your feet together.
- Leave your hips in a diamond shape with your legs and let your knees fall out to the sides.
- Place hands on feet, press knees toward the ground.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- An inner thighs and hips stretcher.
- It helps with flexibility in the lower body.
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7. Neck Rolls (Neck and Shoulder Relief)
Gentle neck rolls relieve neck stiffness and tension.
How to Do It:
- Sit or stand comfortably.
- Roll your head clockwise then counterclockwise, slowly.
- You should do 5-10 rotations in each direction.
- It will reduce neck and shoulder tension.
- Increases neck mobility.
8. All-in-One Stretch (Downward Dog)
Downward Dog is a wonderful full-body stretch that can energize your whole body.
How to Do It:
- Start on all fours.
- Put your toes under and raise the hips to the ceiling creating an ‘inverted V’ shape.
- Make sure your arms are straight and keep your heels towards the ground.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- It stretches the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders.
- It helps circulation and wakes up your muscles.
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The Magic of Morning Stretches
Morning stretches offer numerous benefits, including:
- Boosts Circulation: Blood flow increases when you stretch and brings oxygen and the nutrients your muscles need.
- Enhances Flexibility: Stretching regularly will increase your range of motion, and help reduce stiffness.
- Reduces Stress: Morning stretches calm your mind and set you up for what’s to come.
- Improves Posture: Stretches strengthen your muscles, helping you stand taller and look more confident.
Fun Fact:
5 minutes of morning stretching per day can improve mood and energy by up to 20%, says the American Council on Exercise.
Stick to a Stretching Routine
It doesn’t have to be overwhelming to build a morning stretching habit. Start small: Select just two or three stretches from the list and do them daily. As you get comfortable, gradually add more. If you can set an alarm or reminder to do stretching, that’s one thing, and if it’s part of your wake-up routine — such as teeth brushing — it helps a lot more.
Stretching Your Way to a Better Day
These 8 simple morning stretches will turn those sluggish mornings into sensational ones. No matter what you’re trying to do—beat tension, boost energy, or increase flexibility—these stretches are for you.
Tomorrow morning, don’t hit snooze. Take a few minutes to stretch instead—your body (and mood) will thank you. Begin your day fresh and energized: Stretch, breathe, and shine!
What’s your favorite morning stretch? Make sure to share it in the comments and let us know if it helps you kickstart your day!
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